Top 5 reasons to trust the Best Obstetrician in East Delhi

Top 5 Reasons to Trust the Best Obstetrician in East Delhi

Going through the journey of 9 months and delivering the bundle of joy requires courage and support. Your obstetrician will be your best partner through this journey and it is the obstetrician whom you shall entrust your life and that of your baby. Thus, the obstetrician should be carefully selected.


How would you develop that trust and make the right choice?

Some points that may help you.

1.Your first visit:
Every couple is nervous waiting outside the chamber, at their first visit. So, when you walk in, are you greeted with a smile? Are you given enough time to speak out your fears and doubts? Are your queries addressed compassionately? Is the journey of pregnancy explained to you patiently and in detail?
Your first impression is made on the first visit and your decision is subconsciously already made.


2.Communication and detailed Explanation:
Does the Obstetrician explain the reason behind every investigation or ultrasound?
Every test or ultrasound that is prescribed has a scientific reason behind it. Do you leave the chamber convinced about the need for these tests? Are you explained the findings of each test and what needs to be done next?


3.Ability to handle high risk cases:
Whenever there is a complication, does the obstetrician get perturbed and scare you or she takes charge and calms you down and explains in detail the future course and implications.


4.Hospital attachments:

Even though pregnancy is a physiological condition, delivery can pose several emergencies for mother or baby. Hence, it is important that the obstetrician is attached to hospitals which have full maternity services and where on call doctors are available 24×7. There should also be a tertiary care nursery.


5.Reviews of other women:
It is important to go though the reviews of other patients about the doctor. Though they never do justice to the doctor, they help you select one according to your needs. Word of mouth helps you make the decision more easy.

Book your appointment with best obstetrician in East Delhi.